Hilarious Cloud & DevOps T-Shirts That Don’t Exist (Yet)

Prod Down Shirt Header

Daft Punk” by Pentatonix in homage to the best of Daft Punk🎵

At some point in our careers we design a t-shirt.
It is known, Khaleesi.

At first it will be because we were voluntold into an organizing committee.
Then – it will be because we grew as people.

Oldies but Goodies

Last year, I designed a few t-shirts on CustomInk.com while on way-too-long-of-a sabbatical. I realized I had 0 devops and cloud shirts or really many shirts at all to be honest. I hate shopping for clothes. And it’s clearly a niche audience of only people who have ever worked in cloud.

In any case, it sounded like a fun way to summarize life stories we have shared. I posted them in ’22 on the platform formerly known as Twitter (X), and Corey Quinn, who is definitely an idol of mine, retweeted it.

That’s when many people said “Take all my money.”

Thank you for trusting me (?) with all your money more? Anyway, I never sold them.

Today, I designed…more. They are not real. I post this not because I am intending to create a side hustle. While ClickClack, FastMorseCode, Meta-scroll-feed-universe influencers will tell you to have side hustles: Old, Oldish, (and young?) padawans, I am here to tell us that we do not need side hustles.

It’s a great experience to try once in one’s life to run a business so you can find out if you really want to ever have a business. Having done that once, I can say, for right now, no thanks. I’d rather do that with the support network of a full accounting and finance department and a psychiatrist for a COO.

But DO create shirts for fun because it is joyous therapy, and if you like any of these let me know – I’m considering buying them for myself for other people as holiday gifts.

Fresh Additions

I spent more time and yet also not enough time on these than I wish I had. Unfortunately, in the middle of designing these a plumbing issue magically appeared out of no where. Had it not, I would have made even more.

And of course I had to make a few new special ones for friends that maybe hit a little too close to home…Like this one about accounts that people ask for, spin up, and forget to ask to close down in enterprise companies.

We can’t forget FinOps. Have you ever bought a Savings Plan on AWS and went through the glorious experience that is the “Amazon Retail style checkout UI UX flow of spending millions of dollars” because of course it is exactly like that. This is for you.

Do you use Kubernetes? You are a shared responsibility wizard who spends more time making sure people are happy with you, with each other, with the system and thus actually have max charisma, Harry.

WHeRe CaN I bUy TheM?

TaKe AlL the MoN– I am sorry. Again.

If I didn’t have so many other goals and for some wild reason this post takes off and people actually read this blog, I may produce devops shirts in bulk. However, that is not the plan.

For now, I’m at peace with getting enough sleep to dream. I can’t in good conscience take any of your money. That’s the job of whatever you use to store all your logs.

(Also: If you have a suggestion for a shirt, by all means, please let me know.)

Image(s) Credit: The header image and others here were made using the t-shirt design builder on CustomInk.com and it’s very easy to use if you want to make your own.